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The modal component inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.


  • Modal width can be changed by via the following classes:, or
  • Always include <div class="sgds-modal-background"> inside the .sgds-modal container for the modal overlay.


1) Default modal

<!-- You can change the modal width using, or -->
<div class="sgds-modal" id="default-modal" aria-labelledby="sgds-modal-title" role="dialog">
    <div class="sgds-modal-background"></div>
    <div class="sgds-modal-card">
        <header class="sgds-modal-card-head">
            <p class="sgds-modal-card-title" id="sgds-modal-title">Singapore Government Design System</p>
            <button class="delete" aria-label="close"></button>
        <section class="sgds-modal-card-body">
            <p>Design System unites Singapore Government digital services around a common visual language  and user experience</p>
            <p>Make a decision:</p>
            <button type="button" class="sgds-button">Yes</button>
            <button type="button" class="sgds-button">No</button>
        <footer class="sgds-modal-card-foot is-flex-justify-fe">
            <button class="sgds-button is-text">Cancel</button>
            <button class="sgds-button is-success">Save</button>

2) Image modal

<div class="sgds-modal" id="image-modal" aria-label="Image caption here" role="dialog">
    <div class="sgds-modal-background"></div>
    <div class="sgds-modal-content">
        <img src="" alt="placeholder image">
    <button class="sgds-modal-close is-large" aria-label="close"></button>

Interactivity with JavaScript

SGDS does not provide interactivity for modals out of the box, so here's how you can implement modal opening and closing behaviour:

Modals are hidden (display: none) by default, and appear (display: flex) when you attach the .is-active class on the wrapping .sgds-modal container. For example, to show a modal:


Similarly, to close a modal, simply remove the .is-active class from the wrapping .sgds-modal element.


Modifier Description
sgds-modal is-active

Set the modal to display: flex

(default value is display: none)
sgds-modal is-small

Set the modal width to 30vw (viewport width)

sgds-modal is-large

Set the modal width to 70vw (viewport width)

sgds-modal is-fullwidth

Set the modal width to 95vw (viewport width)

When to use

Modals should be used when:
  • You want to interrupt a user’s current task to direct the user’s attention to something important. For example, confirming when a user wants to submit a form, user sign up and login, or highlighting an important event with an infographic upon entering your website.
Modals should not be used when:
  • You need to present simple notifications to the user. It should always accompany something actionable by the user such as confirming or filling in a form. If you need to notifiy the user or something important, use something less intrusive such as the notification component instead.

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Request component